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Easter Party, Spring/Summer Picnic, Halloween Party, Christmas Party: Parties are for the entire family and are geared towards the children. All party formats are at the discretion of the Chairperson and members of her committee and each party has a budget for refreshments, crafts and other activities.

New Year's Dinner: This committee plans this special Parents' Night Out which takes the place of the June Club meeting, the last of the Club year and during which the new Board is presented and Secret Pals are revealed.

Newsletter: The committee members will assist the Newsletter Editor in the preparation and distribution (compilation of content, typing, editing, printing, addressing, stamping and mailing) of the monthly newsletter. Features which appear in the newsletter include committee reports as well as other articles of interest.

Directory: This committee is responsible for the preparation and distribution of the Annual Directory and Handbook released by the Fall Sale (September) each year. It includes general club information, Club Calendar, List of Current Officers and Committees, Library Titles, CPOMC Constitution and By-Laws, Club Membership and lists of outside resources available to families of multiples. The committee will also coordinate selling ads which offset the printing costs.

Clothing/Equipment Sale: The committee members (usually sellers) assist the Sale Coordinator in various tasks including sign placement, flyer printing and distribution, concessions, etc.

Refreshments/Monthly Meeting Set-up: The committee members work with the 2nd VP (Programs) in planning and securing refreshments and setting up and breaking down the room used for the monthly meeting.

Support Groups: Committee members work with the 4th VP's to establish and maintain support groups.

Family Focus: With the help of the 4th VP's, the committee shall be informed of all births, illnesses, deaths, joys and accomplishments of members and their families. It shall be responsible for purchasing and sending cards to club members as well as coordinating "Caring Casseroles" and other forms of support and assistance through the Care Groups. This committee may report member news for publication in the newsletter provided that the member authorizes printing the information.

Library: Committee members are responsible for keeping all Club Library material together, displaying them at the monthly meeting and handling checkout/checkin of materials by Club members. They will also purchase new material as the budget allows.

Historian/Scrapbook: The Historian shall keep a scrapbook of the current year's functions within the Club. The Scrapbook may include newsletters, photos and articles by or about members.

Special Events: Committee members schedule Moms/Parents' Night Out, Moms Overnights and other functions not specifically assigned.

Hospital Liaison: Committee members working with the 1st VP (Publicity) (who maintains a master list of contacts) serve as Club contact for hospital and doctor office referrals. They get a contact name and number, call regularly to check their supply of information packets and provide them a club contact card and/or phone number in case they run out of packets.

Moms Network: Coordinator distributes and compiles Moms Network surveys and serves as the contact for club members requesting support in specific areas. Committee members are occasionally asked to call other CPOMC members seeking peer support in the areas outlined in the survey.

Donations: Members are responsible for soliciting and raising funds or goods for specific purposes including door prizes and/or for certain events or other purposes as may be voted on by the membership.

Charity: The committee is established for the purpose of helping an individual, group or organization chosen by the Club and shall research projects to be presented to the Club so that the members can vote on the one to receive the Club's support.




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